5. February 2025
Sale, service of machines
Ammann Czech republic, a.s.
Belle Group
Other activities...
STA Stavostroj a.s.
sale and service of machines
current and general overhaul
repurchase of used machines
rent of building technics
Spare parts
sale of spare parts
inquiry of superfluous stock
Saw and woodproduction
sale and supply
Rollers and machines on stock!!!
actual supply on stock
company contact
old bax
old bax web pages
» STA Stavostroj a.s. »
sale and service of machines
smooth and padded drum rollers
smooth and padded drum rollers
VV 700 D
VV 910 D
VV 1100 D
VV 1500 D
VV 2010 D
VV 2510 D
VV 700 D H
VV 910 D H
VV 1100 D H
VV 1500 D H
VV 2010 D H
VV 2510 D H
VV 700 PD
VV 910 PD
VV 1100 PD
VV 1500 PD
VV 2010 PD
VV 2510 PD
VV 700 PD H
VV 910 PD H
VV 1100 PD H
VV 1500 PD H
VV 2010 PD H
VV 2510 PD H
VV 100
VV 110
VV 111
VV 113
VV 170
VV 200
VV 900
VV 1400 D
VV 71 PD
VV 112
VV 170 PD
VV 1400 PD
© Copyright 2000-2025 František Briestenský BAX